Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Water Girl.

I read everywhere that one of the best things to do when you're trying to lose weight is to consume more water. Well, technically, it's a good thing to do regardless, but you know.

So my goal for today is to actually consume 64 oz of water. Technically I need way more than that (about twice that, actually), but it's a start and certainly way more water than I'd ever normally drink. So far, it's almost 10 AM and I've consumed 16 oz. Another 16 oz with my mid-morning snack. Another 16 with lunch. Another 16 with my mid-afternoon snack.

Trying to get off soda is tough. Especially when it's fresca. I love fresca.


  1. Soda really IS hard to get yourself off of, even when you're just weaning yourself.Good luck and keep at it,though.

  2. Thanks! I haven't done too bad. At a party I went to yesterday, I drank quite a bit of soda, but it was the only soda I drank all week! And I had a fresca today with dinner. Fresca is my ultimate weakness when it comes to soda.
